Movies like Bullfrogs to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Bullfrogs with Llewyn Máire & Paul Soileau?

Movies like Bullfrogs with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bullfrogs?

A nameless scavenger finds a body in the swamp. Moss is set on fire. The horror of being alive leads to a loving embrace. We might be seeing the beginning of a new life or we might be seeing a nightmare that endlessly repeats itself. This dark fairy tale is a relic of Southern filmmaking from the 1990s. Originally filmed in glorious black & white 16mm, deep in the Louisiana swamp, “Bullfrogs” was recently unearthed, given an original score, and completed for the first time.
Its release date is Saturday October 19, 2019

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Starring Llewyn Máire & Paul Soileau