Movies like Bulworth to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Bulworth with Halle Berry, Oliver Platt, Sean Astin & Warren Beatty & created by Warren Beatty?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bulworth?

A suicidally disillusioned liberal politician puts a contract out on himself and takes the opportunity to be bluntly honest with his voters by affecting the rhythms and speech of hip-hop music and culture.

TAGLINE: "Brace yourself. This politician is about to tell the truth!"

Its release date is Friday May 15, 1998

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Election Campaign, Elections, Hip-hop, Liberal, Media, Mission Of Murder, Political Satire, Politics, Suicide & Swearing
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Director Warren Beatty
Starring Halle Berry, Oliver Platt, Sean Astin & Warren Beatty
Place California
Time 1996
Location California & Los Angeles
Written by Jeremy Pikser (screenplay), Warren Beatty (screenplay) & Warren Beatty (story)
Cinematography Vittorio Storaro
Music Ennio Morricone
Runtime 108 min

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Dick Tracy | Jun 15th, 1990

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6.1/10 | By Warren Beatty
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