Movies like Cafe Society to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Cafe Society with Blake Lively, Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart & Steve Carell & created by Woody Allen?

Movies like Cafe Society with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Cafe Society?

In the 1930s, a Bronx native moves to Hollywood and falls in love with a young woman who is seeing a married man.

TAGLINE: "Anyone who is anyone will be seen at Café Society."

Its release date is Wednesday May 11, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Baby, Cinema, Gangster, Jews Judaism, Letter, Love, Love Triangle, Marriage, Movies & Hollywood & New Year's Eve
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Woody Allen
Starring Blake Lively, Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart & Steve Carell
Time 1930s
Location California, Los Angeles & New York City
Written by Woody Allen
Cinematography Vittorio Storaro
Runtime 96 min

Other Comedy movies by Woody Allen

Bullets Over Broadway | Oct 14th, 1994

Bullets Over Broadway
7.5/10 | By Woody Allen
The United States | Action, Comedy & Thriller
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Celebrity | Sep 7th, 1998

6.3/10 | By Woody Allen
The United States | Comedy & Drama
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Other Comedy movies written by Woody Allen

Bullets Over Broadway | Oct 14th, 1994

Bullets Over Broadway
7.5/10 | By Woody Allen
The United States | Action, Comedy & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Small Time Crooks | May 19th, 2000

Small Time Crooks
6.7/10 | By Woody Allen
The United States | Action, Comedy & Crime
Amazon Video Vudu Microsoft iTunes