Movies like Camping to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Camping with Claude Brasseur, Franck Dubosc, Gérard Lanvin & Mathilde Seigner & created by Fabien Onteniente?

Movies like Camping with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Camping?

At the campsite Blue Waves, people arrives from all over France. Like every year, this is the time of reunion around a drink customary for families of regulars. Except this year, Mister Pic...
Its release date is Wednesday April 26, 2006

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Childhood Friends, Conflict, Families, Group & New Love
Genre Comedy
Country France
Director Fabien Onteniente
Starring Claude Brasseur, Franck Dubosc, Gérard Lanvin & Mathilde Seigner
Written by Emanuel Booz, Fabien Onteniente, Franck Dubosc & Philippe Guillard
Cinematography Jérôme Robert
Music Frédéric Botton
Runtime 95 min

Other Comedy movies by Fabien Onteniente

Camping 2 | Apr 21st, 2010

Camping 2
4.2/10 | By Fabien Onteniente
France | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Camping 3 | Jun 29th, 2016

Camping 3
4.3/10 | By Fabien Onteniente
France | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet