Movies like Capote to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Capote with Allie Mickelson, Bronwen Coleman, Craig Archibald & Philip Seymour Hoffman & created by Bennett Miller?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Capote?

In 1959, Truman Capote learns of the murder of a Kansas family and decides to write a book about the case. While researching for his novel In Cold Blood, Capote forms a relationship with one of the killers, Perry Smith, who is on death row.

TAGLINE: "In Cold Blood"

Its release date is Friday September 30, 2005

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Topic based on novel, Biographical Writers, Capital Punishment, Dream, Gay, Identity, Journalism, Literature, Literature Research, Self-fulfilling Prophecy & Writers
Genre Crime & Drama
Country Canada & The United States
Director Bennett Miller
Starring Allie Mickelson, Bronwen Coleman, Craig Archibald & Philip Seymour Hoffman
Place Kansas
Time 1950s & 1960s
Location Winnipeg
Written by Dan Futterman (screenplay) & Gerald Clarke (book)
Cinematography Adam Kimmel
Music Mychael Danna
Runtime 114 min