Movies like Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of Lama Rama to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Family movie Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of Lama Rama with Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Fridtjov Såheim, Odd-Magnus Williamson & Tuva Novotny & created by John Andreas Andersen & Lisa Marie Gamlem?

Movies like Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of Lama Rama with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of Lama Rama?

The orphan boy Pinky follows the Captain on an exciting and dangerous journey across the big oceans to the kingdom of Lama Rama, hunting for a treasure and the answer to who is Pinky's father.
Its release date is Friday September 26, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Caribbean Fiction, Piracy Fiction & Woman Director
Genre Adventure & Family
Country Norway
Director John Andreas Andersen & Lisa Marie Gamlem
Starring Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Fridtjov Såheim, Odd-Magnus Williamson & Tuva Novotny
Place Caribbean
Written by Lars Gudmestad & Terje Formoe (story)
Runtime 96 min