Movies like Capture the Flag to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Animation & Comedy movie Capture the Flag with Carme Calvell, Dani Rovira, Javier Balas & Michelle Jenner & created by Enrique Gato?
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A young surfer rallies his friends to stop a billionaire from rewriting history as a way to hoard Helium 3, the clean energy of the future.
Its release date is Friday August 28, 2015
Its release date is Friday August 28, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Astronauts, Duringcreditsstinger, Father Son Conflict, Grandparent Grandchild Relationship, Moon, Moon Landing & NASA |
Genre | Adventure, Animation & Comedy |
Country | Spain |
Director | Enrique Gato |
Starring | Carme Calvell, Dani Rovira, Javier Balas & Michelle Jenner |
Time | 2010s |
Written by | Javier López Barreira (escrita por), Jordi Gasull (argumento), Jordi Gasull (escrita por), Neil Landau (escrita por), Paco Sáez (development and creative senior) & Patxi Amezcua |
Runtime | 94 min |