Movies like Carpool to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Family movie Carpool with David Paymer, Rhea Perlman, Rod Steiger & Tom Arnold & created by Arthur Hiller?

Movies like Carpool with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Carpool?

When his wife falls sick, a father finds himself having to carpool for the neighborhood school children and being taken hostage by a bank robber.

TAGLINE: "A dad in a hurry. A man on the run. And five kids with an attitude."

Its release date is Friday August 23, 1996

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Carpool & Robbery
Genre Comedy & Family
Country Canada
Director Arthur Hiller
Starring David Paymer, Rhea Perlman, Rod Steiger & Tom Arnold
Written by Don Rhymer
Runtime 89 min

Other Comedy movies by Arthur Hiller

Outrageous Fortune | Jan 30th, 1987

Outrageous Fortune
6.1/10 | By Arthur Hiller
The United States | Action, Comedy & Mystery
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Starz

The Out-of-Towners | May 28th, 1970

The Out-of-Towners
7.1/10 | By Arthur Hiller
United States of America | Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

Plaza Suite | May 12th, 1971

Plaza Suite
6.5/10 | By Arthur Hiller
United States of America | Comedy, Drama & Romance
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Other Comedy movies written by Don Rhymer

Deck the Halls | Nov 22nd, 2006

Deck the Halls
4.9/10 | By John Whitesell
The United States | Comedy & Family
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV Starz