Movies like Casanova to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Casanova with Heath Ledger, Jeremy Irons, Oliver Platt & Sienna Miller & created by Lasse Hallström?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Casanova?

The fabled romantic Giacomo Casanova, after failing to win the affection of the Venetian woman Francesca Bruni, strives to discover the real meaning of love.

TAGLINE: "He won every woman's heart. She won his."

Its release date is Sunday December 25, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 18th Century, Carnival, Casanova, Extramarital Affair, Giacomo Casanova, Lover (female), Menage A Trois, Venice & Women
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Director Lasse Hallström
Starring Heath Ledger, Jeremy Irons, Oliver Platt & Sienna Miller
Place Venice
Time 1750s
Written by Jeffrey Hatcher (screenplay), Kimberly Simi (screenplay), Kimberly Simi (story) & Michael Cristofer (story)
Cinematography Oliver Stapleton
Music Alexandre Desplat
Runtime 112 min

Other Comedy movies by Lasse Hallström

Chocolat | Dec 14th, 2000

7.3/10 | By Lasse Hallström
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A Dog’s Purpose | Jan 19th, 2017

A Dog’s Purpose
6.9/10 | By Lasse Hallström
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Family
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Other Comedy movies written by Jeffrey Hatcher (screenplay)

Stage Beauty | Sep 3rd, 2004

Stage Beauty
7.2/10 | By Richard Eyre
The United States & United Kingdom | Comedy & Romance
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Tubi TV