Movies like Cast a Giant Shadow to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the War movie Cast a Giant Shadow with Angie Dickinson, John Wayne, Kirk Douglas & Senta Berger & created by Melville Shavelson?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Cast a Giant Shadow?

In 1947, following the U.N. decision to split British Palestine into separate Jewish and Palestinian states, a former U.S. Army officer is recruited by the Jews to reorganize the Haganah.

TAGLINE: "Outnumbered - unarmed - unprepared - they stunned the world with their incredible victory!"

Its release date is Wednesday March 30, 1966

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Topic Biographical Military Leaders, Israel, Israel Defense Forces & Middle East Conflict
Genre War
Country United States of America
Director Melville Shavelson
Starring Angie Dickinson, John Wayne, Kirk Douglas & Senta Berger
Place Israel, Mandatory Palestine & Palestine (region)
Time 1948
Location Israel
Written by Melville Shavelson (written for the screen by) & Ted Berkman (book)
Runtime 146 min