Movies like César to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie César with Fernand Charpin, Orane Demazis, Pierre Fresnay & Raimu & created by Marcel Pagnol?

Movies like César with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of César?

Honoré Panisse is dying, cheerfully, with friends, wife, and son at his side. He confesses to the priest in front of his friends; he insists that the doctor be truthful. But, he cannot ...
Its release date is Wednesday January 1, 1936

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Comedy & Drama
Country France
Director Marcel Pagnol
Starring Fernand Charpin, Orane Demazis, Pierre Fresnay & Raimu
Written by Marcel Pagnol
Runtime 168 min

Other Comedy movies by Marcel Pagnol

The Well-Digger’s Daughter
7.4/10 | By Marcel Pagnol
France | Comedy, Drama & Romance
No streaming sources available just yet

The Baker’s Wife | Sep 7th, 1938

The Baker’s Wife
7.6/10 | By Marcel Pagnol
France | Comedy & Drama
No streaming sources available just yet