Movies like Chamku to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Drama movie Chamku with Bobby Deol, Irrfan Khan, Priyanka Chopra & Ritesh Deshmukh & created by Kabeer Kaushik?

Movies like Chamku with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Chamku?

A traumatized child becomes a Naxalite, and upon being captured must agree to become a police-assassin.
Its release date is Friday August 29, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Naxalism, Research Analysis Wing & Spy
Genre Action, Crime & Drama
Country India
Director Kabeer Kaushik
Starring Bobby Deol, Irrfan Khan, Priyanka Chopra & Ritesh Deshmukh
Location India
Written by N/A
Cinematography Gopal Shah
Music Monty Sharma
Runtime N/A

Other Action movies written by N/A

The Wild | Nov 15th, 2023

The Wild
5.6/10 | By Kim Bong-han
South Korea | Action & Crime
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