Movies like Chaos, Disorder to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Chaos, Disorder with Ayten Amer, Mohamed Farag, Ramzi Lehner & Sabry Abdelmonem & created by Nadine Khan?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Chaos, Disorder?

This is the story of lost love in a controversial setting. Manal, Zaki and Mounir are in there twenties, living in a confined community where basic needs are met yet chaos and disorder brew. The two boys are in love with the same ...
Its release date is Tuesday December 11, 2012

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Topic Woman Director
Country Egypt
Director Nadine Khan
Starring Ayten Amer, Mohamed Farag, Ramzi Lehner & Sabry Abdelmonem
Written by Mohamed Nasser & Nadine Khan
Runtime 77 min