Movies like Charlie Chan at the Circus to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Crime & Mystery movie Charlie Chan at the Circus with George Brasno, Keye Luke, Olive Brasno & Warner Oland & created by Harry Lachman?
Movies like Charlie Chan at the Circus with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Charlie Chan at the Circus?
While visiting the circus with his family, Charlie is recruited by the big top's co-owner to investigate threatening letters that he's received.
Its release date is Friday March 27, 1936
Its release date is Friday March 27, 1936
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy, Crime & Mystery |
Country | The United States |
Director | Harry Lachman |
Starring | George Brasno, Keye Luke, Olive Brasno & Warner Oland |
Place | Berlin |
Time | 1936 & 1936 Summer Olympic Games |
Written by | Earl Derr Biggers (based on: the character "Charlie Chan" created by), Helen Logan (original screen play) & Robert Ellis (original screen play) |
Cinematography | Daniel B. Clark |
Music | William Kernell |
Runtime | 72 min |