Movies like Chashme Baddoor to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Chashme Baddoor with Ali Zafar, Divyendu Sharma, Siddharth & Taapsee Pannu & created by David Dhawan?

Movies like Chashme Baddoor with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Chashme Baddoor?

When pretty new neighbor Seema falls for their shy roommate Sid, jealous womanizers Omi and Jai plot to break up the new lovebirds.

TAGLINE: "The lives of three roommates"

Its release date is Friday April 5, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adult Humor, Bromance, Friends & Roommate
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country India
Director David Dhawan
Starring Ali Zafar, Divyendu Sharma, Siddharth & Taapsee Pannu
Place Goa
Location Goa
Written by David Dhawan, Farhad Samji (dialogue), Renuka Kunzru (screenplay), Sai Paranjape, Sai Paranjape (original story) & Sajid (dialogue)
Cinematography Sanjay F. Gupta
Music Sandeep Shirodkar
Runtime 121 min

Other Comedy movies by David Dhawan

Biwi No. 1 | May 27th, 1999

Biwi No. 1
5.7/10 | By David Dhawan
Comedy, Drama & Romance
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