Movies like Chatrapathy to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Romance movie Chatrapathy with Nikita Thukral, Pithamagan Mahadevan, R. Sarathkumar & Saranya Ponvannan?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Chatrapathy?

Chatrapathy movie tells the story of Saravanan(Sarathkumar) who works as the bus driver for a ladies college and Nikitha, one of the college students, has fallen for him. When four goondas belonging to a caste-based political party get off easy after causing the death of a young woman, Saravanan takes justice into his own hands and kills them.Eventually we learn of his past as Chatrapathi, a decorated major in the army and the reason behind his enmity with Chakravarthy(Mahadevan), the leader of the same political party.
Its release date is Tuesday February 3, 2004

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Genre Action, Drama & Romance
Country India
Starring Nikita Thukral, Pithamagan Mahadevan, R. Sarathkumar & Saranya Ponvannan