Movies like Chronicle of a Blood Merchant to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, History & Romance movie Chronicle of a Blood Merchant with Ha Ji-won, Ha Jung-woo, Min Moo-je & Nam Da-reum & created by Jung-woo Ha?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Chronicle of a Blood Merchant?
Set in the 1960's, this film is a story about a man without money or plans and his struggles with reality, based on the bestselling novel 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant'.
Its release date is Wednesday January 14, 2015
Its release date is Wednesday January 14, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama, History & Romance |
Country | South Korea |
Director | Jung-woo Ha |
Starring | Ha Ji-won, Ha Jung-woo, Min Moo-je & Nam Da-reum |
Place | Korea |
Time | 1950s |
Written by | Hua Yu (novel) & Jung-woo Ha (screenplay) |
Runtime | 124 min |