Movies like Circle of Deceit to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & War movie Circle of Deceit with Bruno Ganz, Hanna Schygulla, Jean Carmet & Jerzy Skolimowski & created by Volker Schlöndorff?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Circle of Deceit?

Laschen, a German journalist, travels to the city of Beirut during the fights between Christians and Palestinians to produce an essay about the situation. Together with his photographer, he...
Its release date is Thursday October 15, 1981

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Topic Journalists & War Correspondents
Genre Drama & War
Country France & Germany
Director Volker Schlöndorff
Starring Bruno Ganz, Hanna Schygulla, Jean Carmet & Jerzy Skolimowski
Written by Jean-Claude Carrière (screenplay), Kai Hermann (screenplay), Margarethe von Trotta (screenplay), Nicolas Born (novel) & Volker Schlöndorff (screenplay)
Music Maurice Jarre
Runtime 108 min

Other Drama movies by Volker Schlöndorff

Young Törless | May 20th, 1966

Young Törless
7.3/10 | By Volker Schlöndorff
France & Germany | Drama, History & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

Germany in Autumn | Mar 3rd, 1978

Germany in Autumn
7.1/10 | By Alexander Kluge, Alf Brustellin, Bernhard Sinkel, Edgar Reitz, Hans Peter Cloos, Katja Rupé, Maximiliane Mainka, Peter Schubert, Rainer Werner Fassbinder & Volker Schlöndorff
Germany | Documentary & Drama

Calm at Sea | Mar 21st, 2012

Calm at Sea
6.7/10 | By Volker Schlöndorff
France & Germany | Drama, History & War
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Other Drama movies written by Jean-Claude Carrière (screenplay)