Movies like Clifton Hill to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Clifton Hill with Connor Jessup, Hannah Gross, Marie-Josée Croze & Tuppence Middleton & created by Albert Shin?

Movies like Clifton Hill with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Clifton Hill?

Set amidst the eerie world of off-season Niagara Falls, Clifton Hill is a psychological thriller about a self-destructive pathological liar, who inherits a crumbling motel and becomes ...
Its release date is Thursday September 5, 2019

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Topic Niagara Falls Fiction
Country Canada
Director Albert Shin
Starring Connor Jessup, Hannah Gross, Marie-Josée Croze & Tuppence Middleton
Written by James Schultz
Runtime N/A