Movies like Clockstoppers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Family & Science Fiction movie Clockstoppers with French Stewart, Jesse Bradford, Paula Garcés & Robin Thomas & created by Jonathan Frakes?

Movies like Clockstoppers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Clockstoppers?

A teenager accidentally activates a machine that enables him to speed up his body so that other people seem to be standing still.

TAGLINE: "The adventure of a lifetime, in a few mere seconds."

Its release date is Sunday March 17, 2002

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Airplane, National Security Agency (nsa), Time, Time Freeze , Time Travel, Wristwatch & Youth
Genre Adventure, Family & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Jonathan Frakes
Starring French Stewart, Jesse Bradford, Paula Garcés & Robin Thomas
Written by Andy Hedden (story), David N. Weiss (screenplay), David N. Weiss (story), J. David Stem (screenplay), J. David Stem (story), Rob Hedden (screenplay) & Rob Hedden (story)
Runtime 94 min

Other Adventure movies by Jonathan Frakes

Thunderbirds | Jul 23rd, 2004

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Star Trek: Insurrection | Dec 10th, 1998

Star Trek: Insurrection
6.4/10 | By Jonathan Frakes
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Star Trek: First Contact | Nov 21st, 1996

Star Trek: First Contact
7.6/10 | By Jonathan Frakes
The United States | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
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