Movies like Cometa: Él, su perro y su mundo to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Comedy & Drama movie Cometa: Él, su perro y su mundo with & created by Leonardo Arturo Dominguez Martinez?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Cometa: Él, su perro y su mundo?

'Cometa' is a puppy. - A Christmas gift. Its family threw it into the street. A few years later, it meets Roberto, a man who is going through the worst moment of his life.
Its release date is Friday December 8, 2017

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Genre Adventure, Comedy & Drama
Country Mexico
Director Leonardo Arturo Dominguez Martinez
Written by Carlos González López, Leonardo Arturo Dominguez Martinez, Leonardo Arturo Dominguez Martinez (story) & Luis Miguel Urbina
Runtime 105 min