Movies like Comin’ Round the Mountain to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Comin’ Round the Mountain with Bud Abbott, Dorothy Shay, Kirby Grant & Lou Costello & created by Charles Lamont?

Movies like Comin’ Round the Mountain with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Comin’ Round the Mountain?

Bud and Lou get mixed up with hillbillies, witches and love potions.
Its release date is Monday January 1, 1951

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Musical
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Director Charles Lamont
Starring Bud Abbott, Dorothy Shay, Kirby Grant & Lou Costello
Written by Frederic I. Rinaldo, John Grant (additional dialogue) & Robert Lees
Music Joseph Gershenson
Runtime 77 min

Other Comedy movies by Charles Lamont

Hit the Ice | Jun 2nd, 1943

Hit the Ice
7.2/10 | By Charles Lamont & Erle C. Kenton
The United States | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Abbott and Costello Go to Mars
6.5/10 | By Charles Lamont
The United States | Comedy, Fantasy & Science Fiction
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Other Comedy movies written by Frederic I. Rinaldo

Buck Privates Come Home | Apr 4th, 1947

Buck Privates Come Home
7.5/10 | By Charles Barton
The United States | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet