Movies like Cosmoball to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Science Fiction movie Cosmoball with Evgeny Romantsov, Ivan Ivanovich, Mariya Lisovaya & Victoria Agalakova & created by Dzhanik Fayziev?

Movies like Cosmoball with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Cosmoball?

Its release date is Thursday August 27, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Computing, Earth, Generation Ships Fiction, Intergalactic Travel Fiction & Motion Capture
Genre Adventure & Science Fiction
Country Russia
Director Dzhanik Fayziev
Starring Evgeny Romantsov, Ivan Ivanovich, Mariya Lisovaya & Victoria Agalakova
Place Future
Location Russia
Written by Andrey Rubanov, Drew Row, Dzhanik Fayziev & Twister Murchison
Runtime N/A

Other Adventure movies by Dzhanik Fayziev

The Turkish Gambit | Feb 22nd, 2005

The Turkish Gambit
7.1/10 | By Dzhanik Faiziev & Dzhanik Fayziev
Russia | Action, Adventure & Mystery
No streaming sources available just yet

Furious | Nov 30th, 2017

6.4/10 | By Dzhanik Fayziev & Ivan Shurkhovetskiy
Russia | Action, Adventure & Fantasy
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