Movies like Courageous to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Courageous with Alex Kendrick, Ben Davies, Ken Bevel & Kevin Downes & created by Alex Kendrick?

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When a tragedy strikes close to home, four police officers struggle with their faith and their roles as husbands and fathers; together they make a decision that will change all of their lives.

TAGLINE: "Honor Begins at Home."

Its release date is Friday September 30, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Christianity, Evangelicalism, Faith, Family, Father, Police & Religion
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director Alex Kendrick
Starring Alex Kendrick, Ben Davies, Ken Bevel & Kevin Downes
Place Georgia (U.S. State)
Location Georgia (U.S. State)
Written by Alex Kendrick & Stephen Kendrick
Cinematography Bob Scott
Music Mark Willard
Runtime 129 min

Other Drama movies by Alex Kendrick

Fireproof | Sep 26th, 2008

6.6/10 | By Alex Kendrick
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Flywheel | Jan 1st, 2003

7.0/10 | By Alex Kendrick
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Facing the Giants | Sep 29th, 2006

Facing the Giants
6.7/10 | By Alex Kendrick
The United States | Drama
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Other Drama movies written by Alex Kendrick

War Room | Aug 28th, 2015

War Room
6.4/10 | By Alex Kendrick
The United States | Drama
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Overcomer | Aug 22nd, 2019

N/A/10 | By Alex Kendrick
United States of America | Drama
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Facing the Giants | Sep 29th, 2006

Facing the Giants
6.7/10 | By Alex Kendrick
The United States | Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation