Movies like Cries from the Heart to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Cries from the Heart with Bradley Pierce, Markus Flanagan, Melissa Gilbert & Patty Duke & created by Michael Switzer?

Movies like Cries from the Heart with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Cries from the Heart?

Michael, a young autistic boy who has trouble with verbalization but a real talent for technology, uses a computer to plead for help after being molested at his school.

TAGLINE: "To cry out for help sometimes you need a special voice"

Its release date is Sunday October 16, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic autism & Child abuse
Genre Drama
Country United States of America
Director Michael Switzer
Starring Bradley Pierce, Markus Flanagan, Melissa Gilbert & Patty Duke
Written by Robert Inman
Runtime 120 min

Other Drama movies by Michael Switzer

Fallen Angel | Mar 23rd, 2003

Fallen Angel
7.2/10 | By Michael Switzer & Otto Preminger
The United States | Drama, Romance & TV Movie
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