Movies like Cyborg to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Science Fiction movie Cyborg with Alex Daniels, Deborah Richter, Jean-Claude Van Damme & Vincent Klyn & created by Albert Pyun?

Movies like Cyborg with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Cyborg?

A martial artist hunts a killer in a plague-infested urban dump of the future.

TAGLINE: "He's the First Hero of the 21st Century... And He's Our Only Hope."

Its release date is Friday April 7, 1989

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anarchy, Cyborg, Future, Heilmittel, Martial arts, Post-apocalyptic & Violence
Genre Action & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Albert Pyun
Starring Alex Daniels, Deborah Richter, Jean-Claude Van Damme & Vincent Klyn
Location New York (state) & North Carolina
Written by Albert Pyun
Runtime 86 min

Other Action movies by Albert Pyun

Nemesis 3: Time Lapse | Jun 18th, 1996

Nemesis 3: Time Lapse
4.5/10 | By Albert Pyun
The United States | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

Dangerously Close | May 9th, 1986

Dangerously Close
5.6/10 | By Albert Pyun
United States of America | Action, Crime & Thriller
Amazon Prime Video Tubi TV

Nemesis 2 – Nebula | Sep 26th, 1995

Nemesis 2 – Nebula
4.7/10 | By Albert Pyun
The United States | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Action movies written by Albert Pyun

Nemesis 4: Death Angel | Dec 23rd, 1996

Nemesis 4: Death Angel
4.7/10 | By Albert Pyun
The United States | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Alien from L.A. | Jan 1st, 1988

Alien from L.A.
3.1/10 | By Albert Pyun & James Cameron
South Africa & The United States | Action, Family & Science Fiction
No streaming sources available just yet

Nemesis 3: Time Lapse | Jun 18th, 1996

Nemesis 3: Time Lapse
4.5/10 | By Albert Pyun
The United States | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet