Movies like Dead in Tombstone to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Fantasy & Western movie Dead in Tombstone with Anthony Michael Hall, Danny Trejo, Dina Meyer & Mickey Rourke & created by Roel Reiné?

Movies like Dead in Tombstone with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dead in Tombstone?

A gang overruns a small mining town murdering their own leader Guerrero (Trejo) in a cold-blooded power grab. Sentenced to eternity in hell he finds himself confronted by Satan himself (...

TAGLINE: "A Blast With Both Barrels Blazing!"

Its release date is Tuesday October 1, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Death & Grieving, Forced Labour, Lucifer, Revenge, Supernatural & The Devil Fiction
Genre Action, Fantasy & Western
Country The United States
Director Roel Reiné
Starring Anthony Michael Hall, Danny Trejo, Dina Meyer & Mickey Rourke
Place Texas
Location Romania
Written by Brendan Cowles & Shane Kuhn
Cinematography Roel Reiné
Music Hybrid (Welsh band)
Runtime 100 min

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