Movies like Delibal to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Delibal with Çağatay Ulusoy, Hüseyin Avni Danyal, Leyla Lidya Tuğutlu & Nazan Kesal & created by Ali Bilgin?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Delibal?

Two young people figure out how to shape their future according to love and/or career. Then one of them finds himself having to decide whether to live happily with his beloved wife with the...
Its release date is Friday December 25, 2015

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Genre Drama & Romance
Country Turkey
Director Ali Bilgin
Starring Çağatay Ulusoy, Hüseyin Avni Danyal, Leyla Lidya Tuğutlu & Nazan Kesal
Written by Siyah Kalem
Runtime 117 min