Movies like Delusions of Grandeur to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & History movie Delusions of Grandeur with Alice Sapritch, Karin Schubert, Louis de Funès & Yves Montand & created by Gérard Oury?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Delusions of Grandeur?

Don Salluste, a petty tyrant in his own home and minister of the King of Spain, falls from grace. Wanting revenge, he tries to compromize the Queen with his valet Blaze, introduced as his ...
Its release date is Thursday April 1, 1971

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Topic Giftmord, Queen, Royalty & Spain
Genre Comedy & History
Country France & Spain
Director Gérard Oury
Starring Alice Sapritch, Karin Schubert, Louis de Funès & Yves Montand
Place Spain
Time 1690s
Location Almerí, Barcelona & Madrid
Written by Danièle Thompson, Gérard Oury & Marcel Jullian
Cinematography Wladimir Ivanov
Music Hervé Roy
Runtime 85 min

Other Comedy movies by Gérard Oury

Umbrella Coup | Oct 8th, 1980

Umbrella Coup
6.6/10 | By Gérard Oury
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Other Comedy movies written by Danièle Thompson

Umbrella Coup | Oct 8th, 1980

Umbrella Coup
6.6/10 | By Gérard Oury
No streaming sources available just yet

Paparazzi | Dec 18th, 1998

5.4/10 | By Alain Berbérian & Neri Parenti
Italy | Comedy
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