Movies like Desperation to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Fantasy & Horror movie Desperation with Annabeth Gish, Charles Durning, Steven Weber, Tom Skerritt & Аnnabeth Gish & created by Mick Garris?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Desperation?

When a sheriff arrests a writer, a family, a couple, and a hitchiker and throws them in a jail cell in the deserted town of Desperation, they must fight for their lives.

TAGLINE: "In this town, there are no accidents."

Its release date is Tuesday May 23, 2006

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Highway, Nevada, Psychopath, Serial Killer, Sheriff & Tv Movie
Genre Drama, Fantasy & Horror
Country The United States
Director Mick Garris
Starring Annabeth Gish, Charles Durning, Steven Weber, Tom Skerritt & Аnnabeth Gish
Place Nevada
Location Arizona
Written by Stephen King (novel) & Stephen King (teleplay)
Runtime 131 min

Other Drama movies by Mick Garris

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Carrie | Oct 16th, 2013

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Apt Pupil | Oct 23rd, 1998

Apt Pupil
6.7/10 | By Bryan Singer
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