Movies like Despite the Falling Snow to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Romance movie Despite the Falling Snow with Antje Traue, Charles Dance, Oliver Jackson-Cohen & Rebecca Ferguson & created by Shamim Sarif?

Movies like Despite the Falling Snow with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Despite the Falling Snow?

In Cold War Moscow, a female spy steals secrets from an idealistic politician - and falls in love with him.

TAGLINE: "You can betray your country but not your heart."

Its release date is Friday January 29, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cold War, Communist, Love, Politics, Russia, Sacrifice, Secret & Spy
Genre Drama, Mystery & Romance
Country Serbia
Director Shamim Sarif
Starring Antje Traue, Charles Dance, Oliver Jackson-Cohen & Rebecca Ferguson
Written by Shamim Sarif (written for the screen by)
Cinematography David Johnson
Music Rachel Portman
Runtime 93 min

Other Drama movies by Shamim Sarif