Movies like Diary of a Madman to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Diary of a Madman with Chris Warfield, Elaine Devry, Nancy Kovack & Vincent Price & created by Reginald Le Borg?

Movies like Diary of a Madman with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Diary of a Madman?

An evil spirit leaves the body of his human host, a criminal on death-row, and sneaks into the body of his next human host, a French magistrate.

TAGLINE: "The most terrifying motion picture ever!"

Its release date is Wednesday March 6, 1963

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Psychokinesis & Sculptor
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director Reginald Le Borg
Starring Chris Warfield, Elaine Devry, Nancy Kovack & Vincent Price
Place Country Houses & France
Time 1880s
Written by Guy de Maupassant (stories) & Robert E. Kent
Cinematography Ellis W. Carter
Music Richard LaSalle
Runtime 96 min

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Dead Man’s Eyes
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House of the Black Death | Jan 1st, 1965

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Voodoo Island | Feb 1st, 1957

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4.6/10 | By Reginald Le Borg
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