Movies like Die Again to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Die Again with Billy Zane, Dan Aykroyd, Michael Biehn & Nastassja Kinski & created by John Landis?
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Susan wants her reprehensible ex-husband dead and, in several bungled attempts by henchmen, tries to accomplish the deed. First her boyfriend hires two dim-witted hitmen. Then she hires a ...
Its release date is Thursday October 29, 1998
Its release date is Thursday October 29, 1998
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Topic | Caribbean Nations, Chinese Mythology Popular Culture, Portrayals Of Jesus, Sexism, Terrorism & Voodoo |
Genre | Comedy |
Director | John Landis |
Starring | Billy Zane, Dan Aykroyd, Michael Biehn & Nastassja Kinski |
Place | Han Dynasty, New Orleans & New York City |
Location | Israel, New Orleans & New York City |
Written by | John Landis |
Cinematography | Adam Greenberg (cinematographer), Douglas Slocombe, Ken Kelsch & Ted Moore |
Music | *, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Elliot Goldenthal, George Martin; Title song composed by Paul McCartney. Performed by Paul McCartney and Wings & Peter Bernstein (composer) |
Runtime | 89 min |
Other Comedy movies by John Landis
The Brothers | Mar 23rd, 2001
6.4/10 | By Gary Hardwick & John Landis
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Romance
Amazon Women on the Moon | Sep 18th, 1987
6.2/10 | By Carl Gottlieb, Joe Dante, John Landis, Peter Horton & Robert K. Weiss
The United States | Comedy & Science Fiction
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Other Comedy movies written by John Landis
An American Werewolf in London | Aug 21st, 1981
7.5/10 | By John Landis
United Kingdom | Comedy & Horror
Blues Brothers 2000 | Feb 5th, 1998
4.8/10 | By John Landis
The United States | Action, Comedy & Music