Movies like Die Hard Dracula to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Die Hard Dracula with Bruce Glover, Denny Sachen, Ernest M. Garcia & Kerry Dustin & created by Peter Horak?

Movies like Die Hard Dracula with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Die Hard Dracula?

A modern-day updating of the Dracula legend that finds Steven, a good-looking American hero devastated by the death of his girlfriend, wandering through Europe and looking for happiness. A ...

TAGLINE: "To kill the unkillable, one step at a time."

Its release date is Thursday January 1, 1998

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Topic Obscenity Controversies & Vampires
Country The United States
Director Peter Horak
Starring Bruce Glover, Denny Sachen, Ernest M. Garcia & Kerry Dustin
Place Hungary, London, Ottoman Empire & Transylvania
Time 15th Century
Location Northern Ireland
Written by Peter Horak
Cinematography John Schwartzman & Karl Freund
Music Ramin Djawadi
Runtime 88 min