Movies like Digging for Fire to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Digging for Fire with Brie Larson, Jake Johnson, Orlando Bloom & Rosemarie DeWitt & created by Joe Swanberg?
Movies like Digging for Fire with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Digging for Fire?
The discovery of a bone and a gun send a husband and wife on separate adventures over the course of a weekend.
Its release date is Friday August 21, 2015
Its release date is Friday August 21, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Mumblecore |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Director | Joe Swanberg |
Starring | Brie Larson, Jake Johnson, Orlando Bloom & Rosemarie DeWitt |
Place | Los Angeles |
Location | Los Angeles |
Written by | Jake Johnson & Joe Swanberg |
Cinematography | Ben Richardson |
Music | Dan Romer |
Runtime | 85 min |