Movies like Dog Days to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Dog Days with Alfred Mrva, Christine Jirku, Franziska Weisz & Maria Hofstätter & created by Ulrich Seidl?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dog Days?
In a suburb of Vienna during some hot summer days: A teacher who is in bondage to a sleazy pimp, a very importunate hitchhiker, a private detective on the run for some car vandals, a couple...
Its release date is Monday September 3, 2001
Its release date is Monday September 3, 2001
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Alcohol, Bad luck, Heat, Jealousy, Longing, New Love, Sex & Suburbian Idyll |
Genre | Drama |
Country | Austria |
Director | Ulrich Seidl |
Starring | Alfred Mrva, Christine Jirku, Franziska Weisz & Maria Hofstätter |
Written by | Ulrich Seidl & Veronika Franz |
Cinematography | Helmut Grasser |
Runtime | 121 min |
Other Drama movies by Ulrich Seidl
Leaves from Satan’s Book | Jan 24th, 1920
6.8/10 | By Carl Theodor Dreyer & Ulrich Seidl
Denmark | Drama
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