Movies like Dogfight to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Romance & War movie Dogfight with Anthony Clark, Lili Taylor, Richard Panebianco & River Phoenix & created by Nancy Savoca?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dogfight?

Before leaving to fight in Vietnam, a group of teenagers play a game where they try to seduce the ugliest girl they can find.

TAGLINE: "A love story."

Its release date is Friday September 13, 1991

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Love, United States Marine Corps, Vietnam War & Woman Director
Genre Drama, Romance & War
Country The United States
Director Nancy Savoca
Starring Anthony Clark, Lili Taylor, Richard Panebianco & River Phoenix
Place San Francisco & San Francisco Bay Area
Time 1963 & 1966
Location San Francisco
Written by Bob Comfort
Cinematography Bobby Bukowski
Music Sarah Class
Runtime 94 min

Other Drama movies by Nancy Savoca