Movies like Dogman to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Dogman with Edoardo Pesce, Gianluca Gobbi, Marcello Fonte & Nunzia Schiano & created by Matteo Garrone?

Movies like Dogman with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dogman?

Marcello, a small and gentle dog groomer, finds himself involved in a dangerous relationship of subjugation with Simone, a former violent boxer who terrorizes the entire neighborhood. In an...
Its release date is Thursday May 17, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Crime, Dogs & Murder
Genre Crime & Drama
Country France & Italy
Director Matteo Garrone
Starring Edoardo Pesce, Gianluca Gobbi, Marcello Fonte & Nunzia Schiano
Runtime 120 min

Other Crime movies by Matteo Garrone

Gomorrah | May 16th, 2008

7.0/10 | By Matteo Garrone
Italy | Crime & Drama
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