Movies like Double Indemnity to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Mystery movie Double Indemnity with Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson, Fred MacMurray & Porter Hall & created by Billy Wilder?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Double Indemnity?

An insurance representative lets himself be talked into a murder/insurance fraud scheme that arouses an insurance investigator's suspicions.

TAGLINE: "From the Moment they met it was Murder!"

Its release date is Monday April 24, 1944

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adultery, Capital Punishment, Femme Fatale, Insurance Fraud, Insurance Salesman, Marriage, Murder, Step Daughter, Suicide & Train Accident
Genre Crime, Drama & Mystery
Country The United States
Director Billy Wilder
Starring Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson, Fred MacMurray & Porter Hall
Place Los Angeles
Time 1938
Written by Billy Wilder (screenplay), James M. Cain (from the novel by) & Raymond Chandler (screenplay)
Cinematography John Seitz
Music Miklós Rózsa
Runtime 107 min

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