Movies like Double Team to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Science Fiction movie Double Team with Dennis Rodman, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Mickey Rourke & Paul Freeman & created by Hark Tsui & Tsui Hark?

Movies like Double Team with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Double Team?

An international spy teams up with an arms dealer to escape from a penal colony and rescue his family from a terrorist.

TAGLINE: "America's top counter-terrorist usually works alone... this time he's got company."

Its release date is Friday April 4, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Arms Dealer, Martial arts, Revenge, Switzerland, Terrorism, Terrorist & Undercover
Genre Action & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Hark Tsui & Tsui Hark
Starring Dennis Rodman, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Mickey Rourke & Paul Freeman
Place Antwerp, Belgium, France & Rome
Location Antwerp
Written by Don Jakoby (screenplay), Don Jakoby (story) & Paul Mones (screenplay)
Cinematography Peter Pau
Music Gary Chang
Runtime 93 min

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6.1/10 | By John Carpenter
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Evolution | Jun 8th, 2001

6.1/10 | By Ivan Reitman & James Wong (producer)
The United States | Action, Comedy, Sci-fi & Science Fiction
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