Movies like Dr. Chopper to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Dr. Chopper with Chelsey Crisp, Costas Mandylor, Ed Brigadier & Robert Adamson & created by Lewis Schoenbrun?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dr. Chopper?

Five young friends head out to the country for a weekend at the family cabin and run afoul of a group of motorcycle riding madwomen led by the sadistic, knife-wielding plastic surgeon Dr. Fielding.
Its release date is Thursday May 12, 2005

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Topic Cannibalism Fiction
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director Lewis Schoenbrun
Starring Chelsey Crisp, Costas Mandylor, Ed Brigadier & Robert Adamson
Written by Ian Holt
Cinematography Andrew Parke
Runtime 86 min