Movies like Dracula: Dead and Loving It to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Horror movie Dracula: Dead and Loving It with Amy Yasbeck, Leslie Nielsen, Mel Brooks & Peter MacNicol & created by Mel Brooks?

Movies like Dracula: Dead and Loving It with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dracula: Dead and Loving It?

Mel Brooks' parody of the classic vampire story and its famous film adaptations.
Its release date is Friday December 22, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dracula, Spoof & Vampires
Genre Comedy & Horror
Country France & The United States
Director Mel Brooks
Starring Amy Yasbeck, Leslie Nielsen, Mel Brooks & Peter MacNicol
Place London & Transylvania
Time 1893
Location California
Written by Bram Stoker (characters), Mel Brooks (screenplay), Rudy De Luca (screenplay), Rudy De Luca (story), Steve Haberman (screenplay) & Steve Haberman (story)
Cinematography Michael D. O'Shea
Music Hummie Mann
Runtime 88 min

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The Producers | Nov 22nd, 1967

The Producers
7.7/10 | By Mel Brooks
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