Movies like Dracula II: Ascension to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Dracula II: Ascension with Craig Sheffer, Jason London, Jason Scott Lee & Stephen Billington & created by Patrick Lussier?
Movies like Dracula II: Ascension with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dracula II: Ascension?
A group of medical students discover the body of the infamous count. Soon, they find themselves in the middle of a bizarre and dangerous conflict when a shadowy figure offers them $30 million for the body so that he may harvest his blood.
Its release date is Saturday June 7, 2003
A group of medical students discover the body of the infamous count. Soon, they find themselves in the middle of a bizarre and dangerous conflict when a shadowy figure offers them $30 million for the body so that he may harvest his blood.
Its release date is Saturday June 7, 2003
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Portrayals Of Jesus & Student Of Medicine |
Genre | Horror |
Country | United States of America |
Director | Patrick Lussier |
Starring | Craig Sheffer, Jason London, Jason Scott Lee & Stephen Billington |
Location | Romania |
Written by | Joel Soisson & Patrick Lussier |
Runtime | 85 min |