Movies like Dunkirk to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama, History & War movie Dunkirk with Fionn Whitehead, Harry Styles, Jack Lowden & Tom Glynn-Carney & created by Christopher Nolan?

Movies like Dunkirk with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dunkirk?

Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Empire and France are surrounded by the German Army, and evacuated during a fierce battle in World War II.

TAGLINE: "Survival is Victory"

Its release date is Wednesday July 19, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Air Forces, Beach, British Army, Europe, Evacuation, France, German, Pilot, World War Ii & WWII
Genre Action, Drama, History & War
Country France, The Netherlands & United Kingdom
Director Christopher Nolan
Starring Fionn Whitehead, Harry Styles, Jack Lowden & Tom Glynn-Carney
Place France
Time 1940
Location France, Netherlands, United Kingdom & United States
Written by Christopher Nolan
Cinematography Hoyte van Hoytema
Music Hans Zimmer
Runtime 106 min

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The Dark Knight Rises | Jul 16th, 2012

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Batman Begins | Jun 10th, 2005

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Other Action movies written by Christopher Nolan

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8.8/10 | By Christopher Nolan
The United States & United Kingdom | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
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Tenet | Aug 22nd, 2020

7.5/10 | By Christopher Nolan
Canada, Estonia & United Kingdom | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
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