Movies like Dupa Dealuri to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Dupa Dealuri with Cosmina Stratan, Cristina Flutur, Dana Tapalaga & Valeriu Andriuta & created by Cristian Mungiu?
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The friendship between two young women who grew up in the same orphanage; one has found refuge at a convent in Romania and refuses to leave with her friend, who now lives in Germany.
Its release date is Wednesday September 12, 2012
Its release date is Wednesday September 12, 2012
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Belief In God, Ex-lover, Female Friendship, Lesbians, Nun, Orthodox, Romania & Romanian New Wave |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country | France & Romania |
Director | Cristian Mungiu |
Starring | Cosmina Stratan, Cristina Flutur, Dana Tapalaga & Valeriu Andriuta |
Place | Romania |
Written by | Cristian Mungiu (screenplay) & Tatiana Niculescu-Bran (inspired by non-fiction novels of) |
Cinematography | Oleg Mutu |
Runtime | 152 min |