Movies like Ed Wood to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & History movie Ed Wood with Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Patricia Arquette & Sarah Jessica Parker & created by Tim Burton?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ed Wood?

Ambitious but troubled movie director Edward D. Wood Jr. tries his best to fulfill his dreams, despite his lack of support.

TAGLINE: "When it came to making bad movies, Ed Wood was the best."

Its release date is Tuesday September 27, 1994

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Topic Biographical Actors, Boxer, Directors Producers, Filmmaking, Fortune Teller, Individual, Movie Business, Oddball, Taxi, Transsexuality & Transvestite
Genre Comedy, Drama & History
Country The United States
Director Tim Burton
Starring Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Patricia Arquette & Sarah Jessica Parker
Place Los Angeles
Time 1950s, 1952 & 1956
Written by Larry Karaszewski, Rudolph Grey (book) & Scott Alexander
Cinematography Stefan Czapsky
Music Howard Shore
Runtime 127 min

Other Comedy movies by Tim Burton

Dark Shadows | May 8th, 2012

Dark Shadows
6.2/10 | By Tim Burton
Australia & The United States | Comedy, Fantasy & Horror
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Alice | Dec 25th, 1990

6.5/10 | By Tim Burton & Woody Allen
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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Other Comedy movies written by Larry Karaszewski

Screwed | Oct 19th, 2013

5.7/10 | By John Wynn, Larry Karaszewski, Scott Alexander & Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski
The United States | Comedy
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Problem Child | Jul 27th, 1990

Problem Child
5.3/10 | By Dennis Dugan
The United States | Comedy & Family
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Problem Child 2 | Jul 3rd, 1991

Problem Child 2
4.6/10 | By Brian Levant
The United States | Comedy
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