Movies like Elcano & Magellan: The First Voyage Around the World to stream online

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Elcano & Magellan: The First Voyage Around the World?

We are going to embark on one of the most complete adventures ever told. A circular trip that started with Magellan in command and was concluded by Elcano. What made these sailors embark on such a crazy undertaking? To reach the Mollucas Islands, a paradise full of spices and aromatic plants. How could they reach this Promised Land if the only known route was the exclusive privilege of the Kingdom of Portugal? By sailing in the opposite direction. Storms, hostile tribes and all types of incredible adventures would hinder the progress made by our protagonists. Five ships sailed off from Seville. Three years later, only one of them managed to return.
Its release date is Friday July 5, 2019

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Genre Adventure, Animation & Comedy
Country Spain