Movies like Elite Squad to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Drama movie Elite Squad with André Ramiro, Caio Junqueira, Milhem Cortaz & Wagner Moura & created by José Padilha?

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1997, Captain Nascimento has to find a substitute for his occupation while trying to take down drug dealers and criminals before the Pope comes to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

TAGLINE: "On the streets of Rio only the elite survive"

Its release date is Friday October 12, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Brazilian, Drug Dealer, Drug Traffic, Illegal Drug Trade, Police Brutality, Rio De Janeiro, Slum, Torture By The Police & War On Drugs
Genre Action, Crime & Drama
Country Brazil
Director José Padilha
Starring André Ramiro, Caio Junqueira, Milhem Cortaz & Wagner Moura
Place Rio De Janeiro (city)
Time 1997
Location Rio De Janeiro (city)
Written by André Batista (book), Bráulio Mantovani, José Padilha, Luiz Eduardo Soares (book), Rodrigo Pimentel & Rodrigo Pimentel (book)
Cinematography Lula Carvalho
Music Pedro Bromfman
Runtime 115 min

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