Movies like Empire of the Sun to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, History & War movie Empire of the Sun with Christian Bale, John Malkovich, Miranda Richardson & Nigel Havers & created by Steven Spielberg?

Movies like Empire of the Sun with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Empire of the Sun?

A young English boy struggles to survive under Japanese occupation during World War II.

TAGLINE: "To survive in a world at war, he must find a strength greater than all the events that surround him."

Its release date is Wednesday December 9, 1987

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Novel Or Book, Bravery, China, Japan, Japanese Occupation, Peasant, Prisoner Of War, Shanghai & Stadium
Genre Drama, History & War
Country United States of America
Director Steven Spielberg
Starring Christian Bale, John Malkovich, Miranda Richardson & Nigel Havers
Place Shanghai
Time 1940s
Location Berkshire, Cheshire, Hertfordshire, Shanghai & Spain
Written by J.G. Ballard (novel) & Tom Stoppard (screenplay)
Runtime 153 min

Other Drama movies by Steven Spielberg

The Post | Jan 11th, 2018

The Post
7.2/10 | By Desiree Akhavan & Steven Spielberg
The United States | Based on true events, Drama, History & Thriller
Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

The Fabelmans | Nov 11th, 2022

The Fabelmans
8.2/10 | By Steven Spielberg
United States of America | Comedy & Drama
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Other Drama movies written by J.G. Ballard (novel)

Crash | Jul 17th, 1996

6.4/10 | By David Cronenberg
Canada | Drama, Romance & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Starz