Movies like End of the World to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Science Fiction movie End of the World with Brad Dourif, Caroline Cave, Greg Grunberg & Neil Grayston & created by Steven R. Monroe?
Movies like End of the World with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of End of the World?
A group of Apocalyptic fanatics must use their knowledge of apocalyptic movies to save the world from a devastating solar flare.
Its release date is Friday February 22, 2013
Its release date is Friday February 22, 2013
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Afterlife, American Cannabis, Demons, Disaster, Drugs, Religion & The Devil Fiction |
Genre | Action, Comedy & Science Fiction |
Country | Canada |
Director | Steven R. Monroe |
Starring | Brad Dourif, Caroline Cave, Greg Grunberg & Neil Grayston |
Location | New Orleans |
Written by | David Ray, Jason Bourque & Sydney Roper |
Runtime | 85 min |
Other Action movies by Steven R. Monroe
Storm Cell | Apr 26th, 2008
4.3/10 | By Steven R. Monroe
Canada & The United States | Action, Drama & Horror
No streaming sources available just yet
Jabberwock Dragon Siege | Sep 9th, 2011
3.5/10 | By Steven R. Monroe
Canada & The United States | Action, Adventure & Fantasy
Taken Heart | Jan 24th, 2017
4.0/10 | By Steven R. Monroe
United States of America | Action, Crime & Thriller
Other Action movies written by David Ray
Seattle Superstorm | Mar 31st, 2012
3.2/10 | By Jason Bourque
The United States | Action & Science Fiction
Mega Cyclone | Dec 29th, 2011
3.7/10 | By Sheldon Wilson
Canada | Action, Science Fiction & TV Movie